Thursday, August 28, 2008

Holiday souvenirs.

I have picked up the most stunning ear infection. The doc thinks probably from the swimming pool. The whole right side of my head feels swollen, my ear feels blocked, and the utterly indescribable. He's prescribed me some codeine tablets, and they're just not touching it at the moment. AAAAAARGH!

The boys and I are off to see 'Clone Wars' later today - I remember a time when I would have been beside myself with excitement at seeing a Star Wars thing, but now, I'm just a bit 'meh'. Old age, or Lucas overkill?

Mum and Dad are coming down to this part of the world today - they're staying with Chris and Ali and the twins. Hopefully we'll pop over on Saturday. I have Cypriot gifty-poos for all!

Finally, a few more pics from the holiday.

The villa - Effi's Stone House, Argaka.

Chris, mid-dive.

Thomas, mid-bomb!

Have a good day!! And if you have any good remedies for soothing earache, let me know!



Hope your earache gets better soon! try using a hot water bottle to ease the pain and warm drinks too.

Peechy said...

hey you!! holiday pics are fab, looks sooooo lovely.

sorry your ear's giving you gip. Like Sam says hot water bottle for your ear or one of those bean filled pillow thingies xxx